Αποστολέας Θέμα: Beautiful Roscoe 6 string lost in Athens Greece, 2/4/2011  (Αναγνώστηκε 2431 φορές)

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Αποσυνδεδεμένος gordianknot

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  • Μηνύματα: 24
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
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ο Al Payson έχασε το μπάσσο του ένα [/size]Roscoe 6 string bass για τις συναυλίες με τόν [/size]Jose Feliciano! Hello fellow bassists,

It pains me to inform this group that I have lost my gorgeous Roscoe 6 string bass, while I was touring in
Athens Greece. Here's how it went: At 3:00 am, after finishing up the 2nd of 3 shows at the Gazartte Club, I hopped in a cab with 2 band members and put the bass in the trunk. We had the driver take us to a corner near our hotel, The Hotel Parthenon. After the driver dropped us off, we had a short walk to the hotel. When I arrived at the hotel, I realized something was missing. I had left my bass in the trunk of the cab, by then it was too late! A police report has been filled, but I think all hope is lost. The bass was in a Black/Grey Body Glove gig bag and contained all my music for the tour I was on, plus a small pouch with some tools in it.

I bought the bass used from a store in Swarthmore Pennsylvania, called, Swarthmore Music in May of 2002. As I dig through my receipts from back then, I realize I never recorded the serial number of the bass, all I have are pictures to go from. Pictures can be seen at my website.


If anyone has any information regarding this bass, please email me.

Thank you all for reading......

Al Payson


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