Αποστολέας Θέμα: Electric Wizard - Black Masses  (Αναγνώστηκε 2019 φορές)

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Αποσυνδεδεμένος YmiRLinG

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  • Μηνύματα: 3331
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • A.C.A.B.=Always Carry A Banana
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Electric Wizard - Black Masses
« στις: 07/11/10, 12:53 »
Επειδή ακόμα το σοκ από την κυκλοφορία αυτή, που την περίμενα με τεράστια ανυπομονησία, είναι μέγαλο, θα παραθέσω καλύτερα τη δισκογραφική του doommantia και όταν ηρεμήσω θα καταγράψω και την δικιά μου ;)

 If you thought "Witchcult Today" was too polished, then you will love   "Black Masses". It's an more ugly, sleazy and dirty album than   "Witchcult Today" but it hasn't got the sickness that gets spewed at you   during "Dopethrone". In a way it takes all the elements from all their   albums, melts them down and turns them into something different again.   It's a nasty, angry beast of a recording that oozes sleaze and reeks of   satanic nightmares and drug induced apocalyptic visions. I am very   excited to say that Electric Wizard are still leaders in their field of   Stoner, Psychedelic Doom and mark my words this will be THE album of   2010 for a lot of fans and critics alike. Personally I put it just   behind "Dopethrone" and "Come My Fanatics" and above all their other   releases, this is way beyond my expectations because I honestly thought   their best years were now behind them, guess I was wrong. Electric   Wizard are back and as crushing as ever, this was due for a North   American release on November the first but rumors say it could be   delayed or least the 2LP vinyl version will be and that will be the   version I will be grabbing when it's released. Also it's already leaked a   couple of times but Rise Above Records or someone is keeping tabs on   that as the downloads disappear as quickly as they arrive. Rise Above   has no need to worry though, this will sell in huge numbers and I   predict it will be their most successful album ever. Electric Wizard   proves once again they are still the masters of doom.....9.7/10

Πηγή: http://www.doommantia.com/2010/10/electric-wizard-black-masses.html
Over large parts of the continent other people prefered to make money without working at all, and since the Disc had yet to develop a music recording industry they were forced to fall back on older, more traditional forms of banditry


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